You have complete control over all of the Presentation Portfolios in your Foliotek account – this includes deciding whom to share your portfolio(s) with. When you are ready to share your portfolios, you have a few options. You can get to all of these options on the ePortfolio page of Foliotek, or by selecting the Sharing tab while you have a portfolio open in edit mode.
* Privately – Share your portfolio by email with one or more people for a specific amount of time.
* Public – Create a public web portfolio with a unique URL.
* Community – You have to belong to a community to share a portfolio with the other members.
* Collaborate – Add contributors in Foliotek to collaborate on a portfolio!
After you select the option to collaborate, you will see a screen to add collaborators. This will automatically trigger an email to each contributor – they must click the link in that email and log in to Foliotek to gain access to the portfolio. The portfolio will be listed on their Manage ePortfolio page.
The collaborator account(s) can add content and pages to the structure, but does have the following limited abilities:
- Fewer Gizmos to select from – you will not see an option for slideshows, grids, splats, or projects
- Sharing of the portfolio must happen within the original account
- Can’t edit the title and footer
Careful: – the system is designed to let you know if someone else is editing at the same time as you, but can be deceiving. Work with your group to make sure simultaneous editing does not cancel out any work.
Tip: once you have shared a portfolio, you can continue to edit and save the portfolio. If you want the individuals you shared with to view all of your new edits, click the ‘PUBLISH CHANGES’ link right next to the save button.