Foliotek Support

How to start and edit a Foliotek digital portfolio at Gonzaga University

PAGES (aka Portfolio tabs)

 Pages are the tabs in your portfolio - you can see the page titles in the Menu of the portfolio.
Select the Pages tab to view, create, delete, share and rearrange the pages of the portfolio. The page will be divided into three sections: draft pages, edit page details, and published pages.


Draft Pages

Draft pages are viewable by the portfolio owner, but cannot be seen by anyone else until they are shared. Under the Draft Pages column you will see a link to create new pages. Hover over a page title to see the options to share, copy and delete the page. You can drag and drop current pages to rearrange the order. If you click on the triangle next to a page, it will become a sub-page of the page just above it. Sub-page structures are identified with a yellow box and line as you can see next to 'Portfolio' in this image.

Edit Page Details

When you select a page of the portfolio in the Draft or Live column, you will see information about that page in the middle of the page. This is where you can edit the title of the page - the title will be updated both on the page and in the tab of your portfolio. You can publish/share the page.

Also, you can come back to this area to see view statistics on individual pages.

Published Pages

The live portfolio pages are ones that have been shared. Hover over any of the page titles to see the option to unshare the page. If you create a new page after sharing a portfolio, you will need to go to the Pages area of Foliotek to share the page. After you have shared a portfolio, you will see a 'PUBLISH CHANGES' link next to the Save button - click that link to sync all edits.

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